Stories by Nicole Schuman

cartoon hands raised

The Benefits of Pro Bono and Nonprofit PR Clients

March 11th, 2020 by

The day-to-day of communications work can wear on a practitioner. Pro bono work can be a nice distraction. In addition it can help build morale, community spirit and assist with recruitment. More important, of course, is the satisfaction and joy that giving back can bring.

LinkedIn Group Provides Information for Communicators

March 10th, 2020 by

Communicating about Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a LinkedIn group for PR and communications professionals to share tactics and strategies around the virus.

Pro Sports Close Locker Rooms; Ivy B-ball Gone

March 10th, 2020 by

Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League, the National Basketball Association and Major League Soccer released a joint statement Monday (March 9, 2020) about the organizations’ preventative strategies surrounding coronavirus.

Kate Hudson women wear

PRNEWS GRADES: International Women’s Day Brand Campaigns

March 9th, 2020 by

Brands must be held responsible for the work they distribute, particularly when it revolves around an international cause or recognition day. National pizza day is one thing, but when the messaging revolves around something meaningful that can make a global impact, like International Women’s Day on March 8, a serious pause for thought and results needs to be considered.

National Grammar Day illustration

Celebrate National Grammar Day and Avoid These Writing Mistakes

March 4th, 2020 by

PR pros know one of the top traits requested in a quality communicator is crisp, clean, error-free writing. Employees represent their companies through not only press releases and composed content, but also in social media posts and email. A grammatical error can send a campaign into a spiral. We’ve published many articles on becoming a better writer. We gathered some of the most popular tips so you could enjoy them today on National Grammar Day.  

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Super Tuesday Candidates Exhibit Diverse Social Media Strategies

March 3rd, 2020 by

If anything, the remaining candidates are throwing everything they’ve got into this Super Tuesday, igniting digital strategies from all corners of the democratic universe. You’d be hard pressed not to open Instagram or Facebook and yes, even Twitter, without seeing some sort of political trend, video or paid advertisement. We took a look at the diverse social media strategies each candidate harnesses. Some feel forced, while others emerged organically, completely separate from the official campaign team. Will they make a difference on Super Tuesday?

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Five Ways PR Pros Can Deal With Coronavirus Fallout

March 2nd, 2020 by

Since the coronavirus landed on U.S. shores, the media has been working overtime—not only describing the symptoms and areas affected to those seeking information, but also in regards to how the outbreak is impacting business across the board. Whether it be the dramatic stock market drop, large-scale event postponements or travel cancellations, organizations need to take stock of what’s most important to communicate to a concerned public.

Ana Navarro Urges PRNEWS Summit Attendees to Treasure Truth

February 26th, 2020 by

In a wide-ranging address during day 2 of PRNEWS’ Crisis and Measurement Summit in Miami, political strategist Ana Navarro had positive and negative things to say about social media. In the end, though, she believes PR pros have a difficult but important mission to promote truth in messaging. “Don’t give up on the facts,” she said.

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Can Victoria’s Secret Recover its Reputation With a New Owner?

February 24th, 2020 by

Last week the still-profitable brand Victoria’s Secret (VS) was sold. Could this be part of the brand’s attempt to recover its reputation? Is the sale a way of signaling VS is ready to make a significant change in its products and messaging? From a PR, crisis and reputation perspective, will it be too little too late? Can VS come back from its low point and convince customers that it’s a label for women with various body types?

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Which PR CEOs Do Employees Respect Most?

February 19th, 2020 by

Inspired by Glassdoor’s Top CEOs of 2019 list, we decided to review the top CEOs at the largest PR agencies across the world. Utilizing the PRovoke 2019 Agency Rankings, as well as Glassdoor’s CEO and employee approval ratings, we found a dynamic list of communications leaders, working with some of the world’s top projects and talent.