Stories by Ann Wylie

editing tools, notepad, pen, laptop, glasses

How to Better Position Your Messaging for Readers

June 22nd, 2020 by

Do your messages resonate with audience members? They do if you remember that readers want you to solve their problems. One way to ensure your communication works is to make a grammatical distinction between features, advantages and benefits. Ann Wylie offers an example.

A 3-Step Method to Organize Your Writing in Quarantine

April 30th, 2020 by

For homebound PR pros who find they have time on their hands, finishing a writing project or beginning one are tantalizing thoughts. Without a twice-daily commute and nowhere to go on weekends, you’d think there should be a lot of time for writing. It’s not quite that easy. Fret not. Writing coach Ann Wylie offers a 3-step plan to help organize your writing time.

How to Punch Up Your Social Media Copy

March 7th, 2011 by

Don’t make social media all about "me"; base your postings on interesting information for others to share online. Here are five ways to keep from being a social media bore.