Corporate Social Responsibility


The CRO Offers Members Enhanced Access to Corporate Responsibility Reports

March 31st, 2008 by

CRO (Corporate Responsibility Officer), a unit of business media publisher Crossing Media, has begun providing enhanced access to CRO member companies’ corporate responsibility and sustainability reports through a content partnership with the U.K.’s, which… Continued

BASF Presents Its First Carbon Balance

March 24th, 2008 by

BASF is the world’s first company of its kind to present a comprehensive carbon balance for its operations. The results show that BASF products can save three times more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire… Continued

Companies Prepare to Share Climate Strategies at Conference

March 17th, 2008 by

Leading manufacturers are gearing up to share their climate strategies at the inaugural Sustainable Manufacturing Summit on April 8-9 in Chicago. "Sharing non-proprietary information improves total collective corporate effectiveness in design and implementation of sustainability… Continued

Companies Need to Invest in "Green" Before Talking Green, Says Survey

March 10th, 2008 by

EcoAlign, a strategic marketing agency focused on energy and the environment and an affiliate of DEFG LLC, has just released the results of the third EcoPinion survey on green brands and brand messaging. The third… Continued

Toys for Tots launches Literacy Initiative

March 4th, 2008 by

After 60 years of delivering holiday joy to millions of disadvantaged children, the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is launching its first year-round initiative, the Toys for Tots Literacy Program. This new initiative will offer… Continued

Be Green Before Going Green

February 19th, 2008 by

The rush to green is officially on. Almost daily another eco-friendly product is launched with the promise of a healthier you and a greener planet to boot. And no wonder. According to the Natural Marketing… Continued

Business and Nonprofit Leaders Encourage Volunteerism  

February 14th, 2008 by

Encouraging employees to use their professional skills in volunteer work, leaders at the Summit on Corporate Volunteerism have just kicked off a national campaign to engage more of America’s business professionals in the work of… Continued

Global Corporate Responsibility: Changing Lightbulbs Versus Changing Lifestyles

February 11th, 2008 by

Corporate Responsibility (CR) issues are picking up steam, with expectations of businesses becoming increasingly public, especially those in the environmental sector. Consumers feel confused about the issues and the role they as individuals can play.… Continued

Partnering with NGOs

February 6th, 2008 by

For the past several years Nike has worked with the Global Alliance for Workers and Communities (GA), a non-governmental organization dedicated to improving the workplace experience in developing nations. Citigroup has a longstanding relationship with… Continued

Wearing the Green Mantle Carefully

February 4th, 2008 by

Many companies now emphasizing their green bona fides have found it can backfire if the makeover is more PR than operational. For example, as the green movement got traction in the 1990s, one firm boldly… Continued