Corporate Social Responsibility


The Rewards––and Risks–– of Corporate Sustainability Marketing and Initiatives

January 29th, 2008 by

You are proud of your corporation’s commitment to being a responsible citizen, and rightly so. Yet you face constant questions from advocacy groups and their allies in the media about your products and production processes.… Continued

Surveying Sustainability

January 24th, 2008 by

In this age of proliferating CSR information, it seems a week doesn’t go by without a new "green" survey. Whether the poll focuses on green technology or attitudes toward the environment, there is bound to… Continued

How Can Nonprofits Secure Corporate Social Responsibility Funds?

January 16th, 2008 by

When seeking out financial sponsorship from corporations, nonprofits should avoid making initial inquiries with a financial wish list. "The first thing you should do is not go in talking about money," says Eric Phelps,executive director… Continued

WWF and Fairmont Unite to Address Climate Change

January 10th, 2008 by

WWF, the global conservation organization, announced on January 10, 2008, that it would enter into a partnership with Fairmont Hotels & Resorts (Fairmont), an environmentally progressive hospitality company, to combat climate change. Over the next… Continued

Climate Change and What PR and Marketing Can Do

December 28th, 2007 by

As a public relations and marketing communications career professional, your company may place the climate change issue as one of noise, an interrogative risk, a green deed, or as an exchange of information. It’s none… Continued

All Is Not So Green

December 12th, 2007 by

Despite public protestations, there are some "green" companies that are anything but that.

Luxury Brands Seek to Build CSR Awareness, According to New Study

December 7th, 2007 by

  Last week over fifty newspapers and magazines from Britain, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and Switzerland reported on the corporate responsibility of the world’s largest holding companies of luxury brands. For the first time… Continued

How To Measure Strategic Relationships

December 3rd, 2007 by

    What gets measured gets managed is an axiom to which many CEOs subscribe. As important as media measurement may be, is that all you aspire to manage? James E. Grunig, professor emeritus at the… Continued

Courting Media For Your CSR News

November 29th, 2007 by

8 ways you can make the media take serious note of your CSR releases and exclusives.

Building Sustainable Brands: Do Third-Party Certifications Strengthen Your Story?

September 17th, 2007 by

Sustainability has, thus far, proved to be more than a fleeting trend.