Media Training


How PR Pros, Marketers Can Combat Disinformation

March 31st, 2022 by

There’s little doubt about how much trouble disinformation causes. Moreover, the public holds PR and marketing, among others, partly responsible.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation: A Case Study for Media Trainers

March 28th, 2022 by

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearings offered how-to lessons in remaining composed in the face of difficult interview questions.

Instilling Confidence is Key to Media Training

October 27th, 2021 by

In this brief Q&A, we talk to Sarah Brown, Director, Corporate Media Relations at Marriott International., about some opportunities and challenges in training spokespeople at an organization.

Despite Drawbacks, Press Release Wires Still Offer Benefits to Media Relations Pros

August 1st, 2021 by

Based on these data, press release distribution services should consider closing shop. Purely as a pitching tool, the mass-distributed press release may have lost its relevance for communication professionals. That said, press release wires still offer benefits to media relations pros. And several new wrinkles may surprise you.

More PR Takeaways from Oprah’s Royal Interview

March 11th, 2021 by

No doubt about it, communicators (and everyone else) will talk about ‘the interview’ for a long time. Whatever else it was, the Royals’ session with Oprah was a goldmine opportunity for Meghan and Harry to set the record straight with their narrative that offered a peak inside the monarchy.

NFL football

Goodell Super Bowl Pre-Game Interview Showcases PR Fundamentals

February 8th, 2021 by

From a PR standpoint, highlights of CBS’s Super Bowl pregame show didn’t come from Miley Cyrus’s performance for essential workers or the moving piece celebrating the 30th anniversary of Whitney Houston’s performance of the national anthem. It came from a simple interview that many viewers may have missed while preparing their game-day spread. 


GameStop, Reddit Shows the Need for PR to Monitor All Platforms

January 28th, 2021 by

The GameStop/Reddit fiasco offers several lessons for communicators. One is that the savvy PR pro pays attention to all platforms and discussions, including those on private message boards, closed Facebook groups, Reddit and Substack and many more. In addition, prepare your executive to offer more than emotion and staid talking points during TV interviews.

on-camera interview

Camera Ready: A Guide to Broadcast Interviews

December 16th, 2020 by

Being on camera means so much more than how your executive or spokesperson appears on television. In addition to TV there’s YouTube and live streaming platforms, TikTok and Snapchat and IGTV…we could go on. Because screens are literally everywhere, brand representatives need to learn to embrace the limelight. Whether it be a spokesperson or an influencer, those in positions of power need to be ready to connect with the public.

Mixing the Truth, Politics, Mark Esper, Lawyers and PR

November 10th, 2020 by

It’s an axiom of PR and communication that you shouldn’t lie to the media, even during an exit interview. The media often has a way of finding out the truth. When so much of our public life is committed to video, it makes getting away with lying very difficult. And then there are groups who’ll make videos about you.

How Communicators Can Help Fight Disinformation

November 3rd, 2020 by

Fighting against disinformation is an emerging discipline for communicators.  If you think of it as the next generation of issues management, it becomes a skill communicators need to learn and study to avoid getting caught up in the quagmire of misleading information. Here are ways communicators can help.