Media Training


When the Unthinkable Happens: Nine Steps to Dealing With Workplace Violence

November 7th, 2011 by

What can PR professionals do when violence strikes at work? Empathy and transparency both come to mind.

Executive Branding Critical as Visibility Becomes a Clear Objective

October 24th, 2011 by

In an age of public skepticism and a general mistrust in business, it’s no longer acceptable for executives to hide behind the C-suite door.

Create Compelling Messages by Helping Your Experts Find Their Voices

October 3rd, 2011 by

Here’s a three-step process to translating messages to your spokesperson’s’ preferred style of communicating—which results in more powerful media interviews.

20 Commandments: The Do’s and Don’ts of Giving Executive Interviews

August 8th, 2011 by

From modifying sentence structure to posture positioning, have your executives ace their media interviews by following these 20 commandments.

He Leads-She Leads: Gender Plays Big Role in the Body Language of Leaders

June 20th, 2011 by

Projecting the right body language often makes or breaks an executive’s media interview or public appearance. Executive coach Carol Kinsey Goman reveals important signals sent, and how they differ by gender.

How to Be Ready for a 60 Minutes Moment

May 16th, 2011 by

Is your executive team ready to handle the heat from the media? Here are three key qualities—plus coaching points—that your leaders must possess in times of crisis.

Charting the Industry: Social Media: Time is Not on Your Side

May 9th, 2011 by

It’s a fact that as your social media programs develop, you’ll be spending more and more time on them. Here three PR pros give some time-saving tips for social media activities.

PR News Honors Winners of Legal PR Awards

March 7th, 2011 by

Spanning digital PR, media relations, community relations and more, here are seven of the best legal PR initiatives from last year, feted at this year’s CSR Awards/Legal PR Awards luncheon in Washington, D.C.

Harried Journos Need Your Story-Shaping Skills

January 24th, 2011 by

Honing your own storytelling skills and journalistic instincts can only strengthen your relationships with time-crunched, resource-challenged reporters.

How to Prepare Execs for Presentations, Speeches

November 22nd, 2010 by

Preparing for an executive’s speech can be just as nerve-racking for the communicator as it can be for the speaker.