

PR Struggles to Reach 20% Profit Levels as Labor Costs Remain an Issue

June 26th, 2017 by

When we dive deeper into the Gould+Partners study about PR firm profitability that we reported about in our June 12 edition, it looks like another case of the rich getting richer. The larger firms are doing well in terms of profits, but the mid-size and smaller firms are struggling. Gould provides insight into why he thinks this is the case and what PR firms can do to raise their profits.

Monster Not Mashed: How Organizes Branded Content Site as a Newsroom

February 27th, 2017 by

You might think branded content sites have little organization behind them. Perhaps that’s so at some sites. The branded content portal at is the opposite, however. Content and staff are organized into three groups: to raise awareness; to (gently) nudge readers to investigate what the site offers; and to assist those who are highly motivated to find jobs.