Career Advice

coffee cup with 2023 on top of foam

Top 5 Tips for Returning after the New Year Break

January 3rd, 2023 by

For our series, Top Five, we asked communication professionals where to start when coming back in the new year.

Enthusiasm, Determination, Proactivity and Organization Help PR Pros Seeking Mentors

January 3rd, 2023 by

In honor of National Mentoring Month, we held a virtual roundtable to discuss how Covid changed mentorship; how mentorship influences recruitment and retention; and advice for those seeking a mentor.

How Good Sportsmanship and Space Exploration Benefit PR Storytelling

December 12th, 2022 by

We saw good sportsmanship during the World Cup. Yet being a good sport transcends the athletic field. Sportsmanship’s lessons work in PR and even in zero gravity, aboard the International Space Station.

2023: A Growth Year for PR, But Also More Crises, Labor Issues and Internal Communication

December 2nd, 2022 by

Overall, the mood of our PR prognosticators is upbeat as they anticipate PR continuing its recent ascension into 2023.

This Thanksgiving, PR Pros Should Embrace The Break

November 22nd, 2022 by

Mike McDougall’s Thanksgiving column is a PRNEWS tradition. His advice for stressed PR pros sounds good to us.

What to do When Your ‘Editor’ Can’t Edit

November 21st, 2022 by

Good editors can improve PR and other forms of writing. However, bad editors are another story. Here’s a light-hearted survival guide.

PRNEWS Doubles Education A-List, Sees Rise in Analytics, Strategy, Writing, DEI

November 15th, 2022 by

Signifying a growing popularity in PR as an academic major, our 2023 Education A-List has doubled in size. We noticed a rise in schools revising their curricula, offering classes that emphasize data and analytics as well as strategy and writing.

What You Learn about PR from Working at a Haunted House

October 19th, 2022 by

Which is scarier? Nights lurking around a haunted house as a Zombie Pickle or spending days pitching media at a PR firm? In time for Halloween, our writer finds similarities between the two.

newspapers lined up

PR Realities You Won’t Find in Communication School Textbooks

September 12th, 2022 by

PR is founded on a collection of concepts. Many are included in school and college textbooks. Here are some you won’t find in many texts.

how writing style and grammar changes with age

Despite Disagreement Over Length, Academics and Communicators Say Writing Remains Top Skill

August 7th, 2022 by

Length matters. While good writing is good writing, PR professors and communicators differ over short- and long-form’s dominance.