Career Advice


Terms You Need to Know [November 2021]

November 16th, 2021 by

This month’s terms to know include Decentralized Autonomous Organization and WhatAboutism.

Woman using mobile phone for checking social media

Young Voices: On Navigating a Pandemic and Finding a Voice

November 2nd, 2021 by

Kristy Lucero knows the vital importance of working in PR. In her current role she’s focused on developing and implementing communications strategies to meet the needs of her healthcare clients.

Flexible Hours, WFH and Start-to-Finish Benefits Can Help PR’s Caring Culture Tame ‘The Big Quit’

November 1st, 2021 by

Recruitment and retention of top talent was an issue for PR long before the pandemic struck. For years, firms and in-house teams competed for employees using salary, upward mobility, health benefits and other perks, such as paid time off and summer Fridays.Things are different now.

Terms You Need to Know [October 2021]

October 19th, 2021 by

In this month’s Buzz Box, we take a look at the terms “ENABLERS Act” and “Sweeps” to explain how they relate to the crisis communicator.

5 Tips to Help PR Pros Win at Meetings

October 6th, 2021 by

A multitude of meetings is part of the PR pro’s job. Here are five tips to help you make meetings more productive.

Terms You Need to Know [September 2021]

September 20th, 2021 by

In this month’s issue, we explain Green Steel and Information Aversion.

PR Must Offer Flexibility to Retain and Attract Top Talent

September 16th, 2021 by

PR is not immune to ‘The Big Quit.’ In fact, it’s particularly vulnerable. Offering flexible schedules and WFH will help PR retain and attract top talent.

3 Tips PR Can Use Now to Battle ‘The Big Quit’

September 13th, 2021 by

PR is not immune to The Big Quit and The Great Resignation. Here are three tips that PR can use to slow a race to the exits.

PRNEWS/IPR Research Shows the Evolving Communication Function

August 17th, 2021 by

A new joint study from PRNEWS and IPR takes a comprehensive look at the perceptions, roles, structures and future of communication.

a woman working on a computer shows how to create the right subject line for your pitch

Back to School: Writing Still at the Top for PR Pros and Academics; Culture,WFH Issues Rising

August 1st, 2021 by

We asked PR professors about trends in education for the approaching academic year. Where do students need instruction most? What skills or knowledge do they hope their charges gain before heading into the business world? We inquired of PR pros about skills/talents they seek most in young candidates. What areas require on-the-job training, which, during COVID-19, has been done remotely?