Facebook’s Latest Attack on Fake News Comes to Pages

If you're a Page manager for your brand, and you've got a new tab to the right of "Insights" on your dashboard, you're in trouble.

Facebook's new "Page Quality" tab will appear "when we remove certain content that goes against our Community Standards and when we reduce the distribution of posts that have been rated false by a third-party fact-checker," the social giant said in a news release.

Additionally, the network updated its recidivism policy to combat the practice of users creating duplicate pages to continue to promote banned content.

Facebook said there will be additional updated to the Page Quality tab, but for now it will include content removed for hate speech, graphic violence, harassment, bullying, regulated goods, nudity and sex—and support or praise for "people and events that are not allowed to be on Facebook." It will not display removal for things like spam, clickbait, or IP violations.

"We hope this will give people the information they need to police bad behavior from fellow Page managers, better understand our Community Standards, and, let us know if we’ve made an incorrect decision on content they posted," Facebook said in its release.