Corporate Social Responsibility

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Winners Announced for PRNEWS CSR & Diversity Awards

April 30th, 2021 by

Marketing and communication professionals gathered virtually Tuesday to celebrate the winners and honorable mentions for the PRNEWS CSR & Diversity Awards, which mark excellence across people, teams and campaigns. Here are this year’s winners.

How to Ensure Sustainability is Part of Your Company’s Communications

April 22nd, 2021 by

Making sustainability part of your company’s culture and communications can seem daunting. Right or wrong, some consumers are demanding organizations promote sustainable practices. On Earth Day, we offer ideas and tips that can help get you started.


Corporate Social Action on the Rise, PRNEWS CSR Finalists Say

April 9th, 2021 by

As we get ready to celebrate PR’s role in CSR, we spoke with several finalists of the PRNEWS CSR Awards about how the pandemic and the economic and social reckonings of 2020 influenced their organizations. Fortunately, this moment has bolstered CSR at many companies and organizations, they told us.


Can Public Relations Save the Planet? Explore History to Find Out

April 6th, 2021 by

With the arrival on April 22 of Earth Day, our History column looks at the largely unknown role several PR pros played in developing awareness for environmental CSR.


A Pharmaceutical Company Helps Epileptic Patients ‘Speak’ via Music and Paintings

April 6th, 2021 by

Companies sometimes struggle to connect CSR with their corporate values. The story below illustrates an innovative way a pharmaceutical translated its interest in offering patients creative solutions into a CSR effort.

diversity in business

PRNEWS Names CSR & Diversity Awards Honorees, Debuts Social Impact Summit

March 2nd, 2021 by

PRNEWS is pleased to announce finalists for its CSR & Diversity Awards programs. Winners will be announced April 27 during our Social Impact Event.

YSL Launches Multi-Pronged Effort to Battle Rise in IPV, a Consequence of Coronavirus Lockdowns

March 2nd, 2021 by

Late last year Yves Saint Laurent Beauty launched an ambitious, multi-pronged effort, Abuse is Not Love, around IPV. The program aims to educate audiences, including YSL employees, help advocacy groups get out their messages and fund academic research to bolster thought leadership around prevention and youth awareness.


Chobani’s First Corporate Affairs Chief Sees a Reckoning on CSR Issues in 2021

February 2nd, 2021 by

In light of the Jan. 6 violence at the U.S. Capitol and the social, racial and economic unrest of 2020, we asked Cristina Alesci, Chobani’s first chief corporate affairs officer, how CEOs are thinking about promises many companies made last year, as well as what a veteran journalist brings to a corporate setting.


Upholding Democracy: Brands Must Define Their Purpose as Government Allies in 2021

February 2nd, 2021 by

Many agencies and practitioners already have attempted to predict what corporate responsibility and purpose look like for brands in 2021, but the time for pontification is over.

Now, we must be unapologetic in our expectation for companies to step in when governments fall short. This tenant of corporate responsibility was brought to the forefront with Twitter and Facebook announcing they’d banned former president Trump–permanently and indefinitely, respectively–from their platforms.

Pizza Chain Bakes Itself into a Corner with Political Statement

January 6th, 2021 by

Pizza Inn took a stand on the 2020 presidential election, stating that it’s unsure if the contest was legitimate. It’s a stance that a significant portion of the public disputes, in addition to several dozen court cases that upheld the election. Why would a brand intentionally alienate potential customers?