Work Life

woman excited in front of laptop

Survey Shows Upswing in Hiring for Communication Industry in 2021

March 30th, 2021 by

A new survey shows the communication sector is bullish for 2021. Hiring will rise during the year, it says, with better-than-expected revenue results from 2020 bolstering expectations. Job security, though, is on the minds of employees, the Capstone Hill Search survey shows.

woman thinking and wishing

Young Voices: A Communicator with a Sound Philosophy

March 3rd, 2021 by

In the second installment of our “Young Voices” series about new communicators, we profile Michael Galfetti, a young PR pro with Mission North. A double major in government and philosophy in college, Galfetti tells us why he thinks writing is PR’s top skill and how companies can retain talented communicators.

How to Gain Major Publicity Without Breaking the Bank

March 2nd, 2021 by

At first glance, you’d think every communicator would long to work on high-profile, big-money projects. Not so, argues veteran PR pro Arthur Solomon. He offers pros and cons of tentpole work. In addition, he provides tips on how to generate coverage without the luxury of having a large budget.

Lessons Earned: Toughen Up, Buckle Down and Never Stop Learning

February 23rd, 2021 by

In the latest installment of this continuing series, a collaboration with the Institute for PR, Nneka Logan recalls her early days as a brand communicator and two invaluable lessons she acquired. The first is to toughen up and learn as much as possible. The second is that face-to-face communication sometimes can best email.


Introducing the 2021 Education A-List

February 8th, 2021 by

PRNEWS introduces the 2021 Education A-List, the 35 educational institutions advancing careers in PR and communications.

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Once Again, Headlines Offer Lessons for PR Pros

January 27th, 2021 by

A careful reading of the news can be a boon for PR professionals, argues veteran communicator Arthur Solomon. In his yearly roundup of news items that provide PR takeaways, Solomon offers tips on media relations, PR crisis, workplace relations and other important topics.


How Being in PR Helped Me Plan a Wedding During COVID

December 28th, 2020 by

It’s said that life sometimes imitates art. For many PR pros in 2020, it was difficult to separate life at home from life at work. For at least one PR pro, the confluence of home and work was beneficial as she learned that training in PR helped her stage a wedding during the pandemic.


DEI, Purpose, Crisis, Personalization and Technology Seen Powering Successful PR in 2021

December 1st, 2020 by

For 2020, personalization was predicted, in 2019, as a dominant theme. Trust topped the 2019 list. Some trends for 2021 extend what 2020 highlighted: greater emphasis on DEI, purpose and internal communication.

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Communicators Target Growth Sectors to Build Business During Pandemic

December 1st, 2020 by

For most people working in PR and communications, 2020 will forever be known as a crisis. That’s it. Continual crisis. And while crisis stymied many industries this year, it made communication more essential. When clear delivery of information becomes a necessity, the communication industry should grow. While the advertising world watched agencies shrink due to client losses and budget cutbacks, some PR shops expanded. We look at several examples of growth.

Training Bad Habits Out of Good Communicators 

November 6th, 2020 by

Communicators who are new to your shop may bring bad habits with them from previous jobs. It’s important for PR leaders to take time to notice their work, offer constructive feedback and make them feel like part of the team. Investing the time to train new employees in your corporate culture can pay dividends. Here are a few ways to do it.