Work Life

stress, woman crying but pretending to smile

In a Nail-Biting Election Week, What’s the PR Game Plan?

November 4th, 2020 by

With the mainstream media laser-focused on election coverage, how should communicators be spending their time? We asked PR professionals how they’re managing the lack of status quo externally and internally. Here’s what they told us.

What PR Pros Can Learn from Eddie Van Halen

October 28th, 2020 by

Guitarist Eddie Van Halen, who died Oct. 6, was not only a guitar virtuoso, he augmented his talent with a knack for adapting to trends and audiences, though remaining true to his brand. Moreover, he was not content to rest on his laurels and worked hard to acquire new skills. These are attributes common to good communicators.

Iger’s Autobiography Includes a Great Lesson for Communicators

October 9th, 2020 by

Media relations guru and PR coach Michael Smart discusses a terrific lesson for communicators from Disney executive chairman Bob Iger’s autobiography. Smart says the relationship between Disney’s top communicator Zenia Mucha and Iger, which is based on honesty, sometimes brutal honesty, is the model we need to emulate.

Shaping the Battlefield: Museum Features Military PR, Public Affairs

October 6th, 2020 by

The US armed forces have a proud PR tradition. A look at its history shows that the services nearly abandoned PR. A panel discussion at the Museum of PR later this month will look at military PR and public affairs past and present.

Keep It Up: Communicators are Making a Difference Against COVID-19

October 5th, 2020 by

The City of Toronto’s CCO Brad Ross argues communicators have done a good job relaying vital messages about the pandemic. As people are tiring of safety measures and we face a second wave, this is not the time to take a break. Do not let this long crisis, and its critics, cause you to question the effectiveness of your work


PR Pros: What Can Having a Mentor Do for You?

September 21st, 2020 by

Mentors can provide PR pros with a closer insight into the career path that lies in front of them. Without mentors, communicators can feel like they are lost in the woods without a map, trying to navigate their next turn. Mentors can offer the clarity they seek.  

A Message for Communicators on Ethics Month

September 10th, 2020 by

As PR pros celebrate Ethics in Communication month, PRSA’s chair Garland Stansell urges communicators to redouble their effort to always do the right thing. Advocating for truth and responsibility is a key, if not the key, element of a communicator’s daily role, he writes.

finding your voice

Lessons Earned: How a 3-Day Off-Site ‘Changed My Life’

September 8th, 2020 by

In the latest article in this series with the Institute for PR, veteran communicator Geoff Curtis discusses how a three-day off-site helped change his life. 10 years later, he’s still applying the lessons he learned during the off-site as he continues on a journey toward self-awareness.

Fidelity Investments utilizers influencers on Instagram to build women's financial education community.

Your Office is Now Virtual; It’s Time to Adjust Your Budget

September 2nd, 2020 by

With so many companies deciding to stay with virtual work arrangements, what you used to budget for office costs/overhead now is available for other uses. How should communicators spend this new-found money? Our author, a veteran of remote work, has several ideas.

Will that resume get you hired?

Resume Deal-Breakers That Can Cost You a Job

September 1st, 2020 by

Whether you are a veteran PR professional, or relatively new to the industry, your resume can tell a story of not only your experience, but who you are as an employee and teammate. The key is to scrutinize the words used, as well as provide the reader with an easy, organized experience. Recruiters and hiring managers can tell if you create a resume with a half-hearted effort.