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Social Shake-Up Attendees Mostly Use Facebook & Twitter, But Are Concerned About What’s Next

April 19th, 2017 by

We recently surveyed attendees for the upcoming Social Shake-Up, asking them a couple of basic questions: which social media platform is their main focus in their work life, and what do they want to learn about most at the Shake-Up. Judging by the responses to the first question, the past—in the form of relatively ancient social media platforms—has a pretty firm grip on the professional communicators who responded to the survey.


How Mars Electrified Uncle Ben’s and Whiskas Through Content Marketing

April 19th, 2017 by

Rob Rakowitz, the global director of media at Mars, has done some compelling content marketing for varied consumer brands like Snickers, the cat food Whiskas and Uncle Ben’s. So what can the man from Mars tell us about his content marketing strategy? Well, among other things, “keep it simple.” In his view, the more you can simplify your vision, the better an idea travels. Gone are the days when you could just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. Instead, marketers need a targeted approach informed by data, and they need to set a simple goal.

How to Use a Content Plan During a Crisis

April 18th, 2017 by

Communicators know one word that can shake up an organization is crisis. But have you pondered how you would deal with such a situation if you were to ever face it? Survey after survey indicate most firms lack a solid crisis plan and fewer practice crisis scenarios regularly. In this digitized world, a well-worded press release is no longer enough to pacify your audience. Here are a few tips to help you use content to control a crisis.

6 Tips for Keeping Your Company’s Social Media Accounts Secure

April 18th, 2017 by

Social media sites are popular targets when it comes to hacking. Just last month, hackers managed to access the Twitter account for McDonald’s and send out a derogatory post aimed at President Trump. But McDonald’s is a well established, multinational brand and they could gain control of their account quickly. Could your business do the same? Here are six steps to help keep your company’s social media accounts secure.

How to Assess Stakeholder Attitudes About Change

April 17th, 2017 by

In this second of a three-part series about the PR pro’s role in communicating change, the author discusses how to assess what attitudes your stakeholders have regarding change. This is easier said than done as attitudes likely will differ between groups of stakeholders, regions and professions. Owing to its importance and sensitivity, change requires communication that is multi-dimensional. This is a time for two-way communication.

Facebook Killer’s Video Casts Shadow Over Platform on Eve of F8

April 17th, 2017 by

A random act of senseless violence stunned the United States April 16: In a video posted to Facebook, a man driving through the Cleveland area sees a pedestrian, stops the car, announces his intention to kill, walks over to the victim and shoots him. The victim, 74-year-old Robert Godwin, was on his way home from an Easter meal with his children.

The Week in PR

April 17th, 2017 by

Sharp Claws: Maybe the biggest beneficiary of United’s woes was Wells Fargo, whose 113-page board report about its 2 million bogus accounts barely registered in the news cycle when it was issued Apr. 10. In short, it fingers a pair of former Wells employees: CEO John Stumpf and community banking chief Carrie Tolstedt. An encouraging note: The two will lose an additional $75 million through clawbacks, the largest clawbacks in banking history. In all, clawbacks will cost Stumpf $69 million; Tolstedt, who did not cooperate with the investigation and whose lawyer challenged its findings, will forfeit $67 million.

5 Tips for Creating a Captivating About Page for Your Site

April 14th, 2017 by

The About page can be challenging for PR pros as it’s a mix of a professional bio and a compelling pitch. Whether it’s for a brand, an individual or even yourself, the About page is without doubt one of the most important components of a website. It’s the first place potential customers will go to get a good sense of you. Here are some tips to help you create or enhance the About Page for your brand’s site.

Starting a Brand Blog? Here Are 7 Best Practices to Keep in Mind

April 14th, 2017 by

If you’ve been thinking about starting a blog but worried about the time investment, you’re not alone. In a world where you can fire off a tweet or a snap in second, the prospect of blogging seems daunting from a time management perspective. But there are smart ways to make it work, and Jackie Allder, director, public relations & communications for The Long & Foster Companies, is familiar with many of them.

burger king, whopper, ok google

Burger King’s Wily Voice-Activating Ad Thwarted by Google (With Some Help From Online Pranksters)

April 13th, 2017 by

Burger King has transformed a simple TV ad into a mouthwatering engagement goldmine…almost. The fast-food chain would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn’t been for those pesky kids at Google (and on the internet at large). On April 12, Burger King aired an ad in which an actor asks, “OK Google, what is the Whopper burger?” The line was intended to prompt Google Home devices to read a list of Whopper ingredients from Wikipedia, but anonymous pranksters edited the Whopper Wikipedia article to include some less-than-appetizing ingredients.