Celeb Pics Spur Consumer Interaction With PETA on Instagram by 79% in Q1

Just as compound interest can grow money quickly, Instagram posts bolster consumer actions, defined here as the sum of likes and comments. The most-engaged U.S. nonprofit on Instagram, PETA, saw Q1 2016 engagement jump 79% vs Q1 2015, although it increased posts just 17%, according to data provided exclusively to PR News by Shareablee. PETA knew what its audience wanted, posting photos of animal-loving celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio. Other posts that worked included salutes to Armani and SeaWorld for taking steps to end animal cruelty.

Across the U.S. nonprofit sector, Instagram posts were up 15% during Q1 ’16 vs Q1 ’15, as consumer actions grew an impressive 37%, including a 38% rise in likes and an 11% uptick in comments.

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