Takeaways From Internal Communications Roundtable and Crisis and Editorial Resources

In each edition of PR News we highlight takeaways from an article as well as additions to the PR News Resource Center, which is available only to subscribers at: https://www.prnewsonline.com/subscriber-resources/

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Select Takeaways

Roundtable (pages 7,8,9, 10):

  • “One thing you can’t overdo during periods of significant change is to over-communicate.” Robert Hastings , CCO, Bell.
  • “Sharing changes in a timely, authentic way can be more important than settling on the perfect message, waiting for every piece to be final or sharing only part of the story.” Lauren Hodapp , director, Conservation International.

New to the Subscriber Resources Center

2018 Deloitte Crisis-Management Survey: The global professional services firm surveyed some 500 senior crisis executives during late 2017 and early 2018. Among the findings: the number of crises is on the rise; many crises can be averted; and there is a “dramatic difference in outcomes when senior management and board members are involved” in crisis planning, preparation and exercises.

2018 PBS Editorial Standards and Practices: Adopted June 21, 2018, the guidelines took a year to craft and apply to social media and traditional media. The social media guidelines include specific mandates: “Exercise civility, treat errors just as seriously as on other platforms, prevent conflicts of interest, provide adequate context, avoid sensationalizing to generate clicks, and vet third-party content.” This document is recommended for brands seeking an editorial guidelines template for their news operations.