Stories by Nicole Schuman


How Companies Like Google Mend Self-Induced Crisis

June 19th, 2019 by

Big corporations can often find themselves in the middle of a crisis, whether intentional or unintentional. Google’s success contributed to the dominant wealth of Silicon Valley, and the corresponding real estate increases. Other companies have also been caught in the crosshairs of natural, ethical and cultural disasters. Their response or silence can determine future success. What are the key tactics for companies to emerge graciously from a fall from favor?

Anatomy of a Social Media Budget

June 18th, 2019 by

A social media budget should focus on so much more than just dollar signs. A good budget requires a recipe of research and development, as well as resources. Every organization, from billion dollar companies with multiple marketing departments across the globe, to smaller nonprofits with social media armies of one, should take a look at social media usage and where it fits into their overall strategy.

Happy Father’s Day to the ‘Father of PR’

June 14th, 2019 by

To celebrate Father’s Day it seemed fitting to revisit the history of the man dubbed the “Father of PR,” Edward Louis Bernays. Like any father, Bernays was not without his successes and failures, and controversial debates. For 103 years, this master of public opinion helped shape some of the cornerstones of PR.

Why Does a Woman CEO Need to Be a News Story?

June 13th, 2019 by

The battle for gender equality marches on, played out in one of the most public spaces, headline news. And it’s not just about how much coverage women are receiving versus men—whether in politics or business or sports—it’s also about how the media portrays women in their roles.

3 Questions to Always Ask Your Candidate in an Interview

June 11th, 2019 by

An interview showcases the possible potential of a candidate in other ways, allowing them to think on their feet through conversation and analysis. We spoke to some experts and landed on three questions to always ask in a public relations job interview. They may appear simple, but every candidate may handle these questions differently, providing more insight into what kind of employee they would be.

How Branded Content Can Capitalize on a National Holiday

June 7th, 2019 by

National days are a great way for brands to engage with not only influencers and fans on a topic, but also to reign in some new faces. Today, for National Doughnut Day (June 7), some brands like Dunkin’ and Krispy Kreme create actionable items to bring consumers through their doors. Others, like the Salvation Army regale us with nostalgia, teaching us about the importance of the origin of the holiday. And there are always those brands with icky content, trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Pfizer’s Inability to Show Transparency Impacts Alzheimer’s Research

June 6th, 2019 by

Keeping research a secret is a bad look for Pfizer, especially during a time when a spotlight shines on the Alzheimer’s disease. And upon further reading, it can seem somewhat baffling to have kept the information, which may have proved useful to researchers, from the public. Pfizer now faces a brand crisis in which a large population of those affected by the disease may garner distrust to a company that looks like it kept profits the first priority.

Webinar Recap: How to Prove Social Media ROI to the C-Suite

June 4th, 2019 by

Communicators can perform what looks like magic when they win approval from the C-suite. But what looks like magic starts with reading and understanding data, and presenting it in a comprehensive way. Check out the strategic takeaways from our webinar: How to Prove Social Media ROI to the C-Suite

Communicators: You Will Never Win the National Spelling Bee, But Here’s Some Help [INFOGRAPHIC]

May 31st, 2019 by

Eight brilliants students became co-champions of the National Spelling Bee in historic fashion on May 30, 2019. While many communicators will never have to spell the likes of these grammatical behemoths, mistakes can occur even with simple words. Spelling remains one of the top priorities of communications professionals, because spell check cannot always save a true blunder. Typos and misinterpretations still happen.

Thanks to Amazon, Marketers May Be Able to Read Consumer Emotions

May 23rd, 2019 by

There is always more to the story of data collection than just a consumer’s well-being. For Amazon, and marketers everywhere, emotional-recognition voice software could help provide the most specific personal insights to date to promote product recommendations, targeted ads, and eventually, the creation of products that could impact and relate to mental and physical health.